  • SUDO E308L
  • SUDO E309L
  • SUDO E316L

Useful in dairy, Welding of AISI grades 302, 304, and 304L and 308L and chemical industries, hospital apparatus, apparatus for nitric acid, acetic acid, milk, soap, fertilizer industries, pharmaceuticals equipment.

Classifications: AWS: A 5.4 E308L-16       IS 5206: E19.9L R26

Description: A rutile coated all position stainless steel electrode which contains 19% Cr and 10% Ni with extra low carbon (C:< 0.04%).The extra low carbon prevents intergranular corrosion at elevated temperatures in the range of 4250C - 8500C. The weld metal has excellent resistance to cracking, corrosion and scaling up to 8000C. Welds are of radiographic quality.

  • Welding of AISI grades 302, 304, and 304L and 308L.
  • Useful in dairy and chemical industries. .
Weld Metal Chemistry (%):
C Mn Si S P Ni Cr
0.04 max 0.50 - 2.50 0.80 max 0.02 max 0.03 max 9.0-11.0 19.0-21.0
All Weld Mechanical Properties:
UTS (N/mm2) Elongation (%) (L=4xD) Ferrite No.
530-620 38-46 3-7
Welding Currents: (Amp)
2.5 mm 3.15 mm 4.0 mm 5.0 mm
50-80 80-110 120-150 160-200

Classifications: AWS: A 5.4 E309L -16       IS 5206: E23.12LR26

Description: A rutile coated, AC/DC electrode operating in all positions .The weld metal contains 25% Cr, 12% Ni with extra low carbon (C :< 0.04%). The weld metal has excellent resistance to intergranular corrosion at elevated temperature up to 8000C and possesses resistance to chemical corrosion, heat and scaling up to 11100C .The electrode displays pleasing welding characteristics and having radiographic quality weld.

  • Welding of AISI grades 309 & 309L .
  • Joining stainless steel 304 or 304L type to carbon and low alloy steels.
  • Building up worn out parts of wear resisting steels .
  • Joining straight chrome steels. .
Weld Metal Chemistry (%):
C Mn Si S P Ni Cr
0.04 max 0.50 - 2.50 0.80 max 0.02 max 0.02 max 12.0-14.0 22.0-25.0
All Weld Mechanical Properties:
UTS (N/mm2) Elongation (%) (L=4xD) Ferrite No.
550-650 35-40 12-15
Welding Currents: (Amp)
2.5 mm 3.15 mm 4.0 mm 5.0 mm
50-80 80-110 120-150 160-210

Classifications:SUDO E316L       IS 5206: E19.12.2LR 26

Description: A rutile coated ,all position electrode yielding weld metal which contains 18% Cr, 12% Ni and 2.5% Mo with extra low carbon (C:< 0.04%).The extra low carbon content makes the weld metal resistant to intergranular corrosion at elevated temperature. The weld metal has good resistance to cracking corrosion. Weld metal is of radiographic quality.

  • Welding of AISI grade 316L stainless steel.
  • Welding of AISI grade 316L stainless steel.
  • Welding of AISI grade 316L stainless steel.
Weld Metal Chemistry (%):
C Mn Si S P Ni Cr Mo
0.03 max 0.50 - 2.50 0.80 max 0.02 max 0.02 max 11.0-14.0 17.0-20.0 2.0-3.0
All Weld Mechanical Properties:
UTS (N/mm2) Elongation (%) (L=4xD) Ferrite No.
560-600 30-40 3-8
Welding Currents: (Amp)
2.5 mm 3.15 mm 4.0 mm 5.0 mm
50-80 80-110 110-140 140-190